Monday, May 27, 2013

First Adventures!


My adventures in Alaska have gone great so far! I have been learning more about driving a stick shift, taking in the sights, eating A LOT, gone to a couple movies, had a little bit of hang out time with some of the youth group, a pretty good bit of sleeping, and I have been praying to prepare myself for the work that is ahead of me. So far I have enjoyed myself and once I build relationships with the teens and get in the swing of things I am sure I will enjoy the work as well.

I am a little lost trying to figure out where everything is in town (as people are driving me around) and also very lost while learning to drive a stick shift! All in all, I am having a wonderful time and cannot wait to get to work. I am already feeling challenged so I can imagine I will feel even more challenged as I take on more and more responsibility. But I am ready!

I have come across the homesickness since today was the first day without any family. My sister left yesterday so I have been feeling a little blue. I did miss out on the Memorial Day cook out at home today which was a little bummer... This is the only time I can remember ever missing it, so I felt a little sad today. Although it made my day to know that I was missed! I got a text from my cousin that said "Memorial Day is boring without you." Haha! What can I say? I definitely missed being there!

Although I missed my family today was not a waste... I had a lovely lunch with Pastor Gene and Marlene. Then I went out driving with Lindsay and I didn't kill it once!! Hills still freak me out a little but she said she has no worries and that I should be fine. Let's pray she is right! I had a great time with her today and also had a great time with Lindsay, Mycala, and Cheyenne at the movies last night (although the movie was really bad). These girls are really fun and I have enjoyed my time with them.

Other than I've had fun and I miss my family, there is not much else to tell you all about. I have been posting pictures to Facebook that many of you have seen and if not check them out! It is gorgeous here!  My sister and I went driving Saturday before she left and I just upload some of those photos to my laptop, so enough talking! Enjoy some pictures!

Love these!

 I thought this one was really cool!!

I love them all but these are probably my favs!!


Amos 4:13 - For the LORD is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his thoughts to mankind. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads on the heights of the earth. The LORD God of Heaven's Armies is his name!


  1. Love you sweet girl. You are ready. You have been preparing for this for quite awhile.

    Love You !!!! Momma

  2. Love the pictures, Amber! You're quite the photographer! I'm praying for you as you head into this week!

  3. Well sweet lady - here you go!!! New adventure - growing up with only the Lord's hand to hold moment by moment in new relationships!!! Awe you are going to absolutely love your memories that you will make during this time of your life! This time of your life will pass quickly girl - I spend 4 years overseas and I can't tell you loud enough focus one day at a time and breathe it all in!! Learn all God wants to teach you - let Him guide you day to day and HE will!!! He can be counted on. Keep a teachable spirit - which you have now and trust that God has real delights ahead of you.... Miss you - but so so so excited for your adventure with Your Lord! Hugs Vickie
