It has been a while and I have not kept up with this blog the way I had hoped. There has been so much going on and I have not taken the time to sit down and tell of all the amazing things that have been going on here in Alaska.
The time is coming to an end and I will head back home in just 11 days. Where did the time go? In feels like I just arrived yesterday but at the same time if feels like I have been here forever. A part of me cannot wait to leave but then another part of me would love to stay. I will definitely be sad saying goodbye to everyone I have met here but it will not be so much a goodbye as a see you later. I will definitely be coming back to visit them!
I have spent most of my time with the teens (obviously) and I have grown so close with each of them. I have learned so much from them and I have enjoyed every minute spent with them!
I have spent some time with some pretty amazing adults as well. Adults who have made me feel welcome and who have loved and encouraged me. Adults who have taken time to talk with me and to help me in anyway. I will never forget the love and encouragement they graciously gave me.
I have also connected with a few youngsters as well. Mainly Isaac, my little 4 year old buddy. (I know what some of you are thinking... Of course a boy under the age of 7 falls in love with Amber... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Happens everywhere I go...) Isaac and his family have been great to me. I have spent several hours of my time here with that family and I appreciate all they have done. I will never forget the talks Isaac and I had, the many dinners he sat next to me, and the way he would tell everyone I was his Amber and we were going to get married. Precious moments that I will always remember!
This Summer in Alaska has been one of the greatest adventures. I have loved every minute of being here (even being homesick). I have learned a lot being so far away from home and I have definitely grown. I have learned so much about ministry and about myself. God has definitely stretched me in many ways. I have grown so much as a person and as a servant of Christ. I thank God for the opportunity He gave me to come and be apart of the ministry team at Chapel of the Cross. I am also grateful that Chapel of the Cross gave me a chance and have walked along side of me during this Summer.
Although I have had a wonderful time, I am definitely in countdown mode. I am sad about leaving but also very excited. I miss my dog, my family, and my friends. I cannot wait to see them all again very, very soon! I cannot wait to play with my dog and to cuddle with her (if she will) and I cannot wait to squeeze my nieces! I am definitely excited to see everyone soon! 11 more days!
Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust Him, and He will help you.
Psalm 37:4
Looking forward to squeezing my nieces too. Travel safe and will see you soon. Love Aunt Carol